Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
My road bike is currently not shifting, so I have reduced speed and distance since I will be using my mountain bike. If you want to join this ride, text me your SBRA#, cell and Emergency numbers, date of ride, and your full name . Text Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:30am. There will be a brief stop to view the Amercan Bison herd, if they are in the field near the road. The bison were out this past Saturday. Briermere's is set up for social distancing, with ample, well spaced seating, on stragetically placed rocks and picnic tables. If you want to share a pie, bring $. There are also many other treats available. Flush toilets as well as porta-potties are available. If you sign up, but later find you can't make the ride, please text me.