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November General Meeting 2021 - Annual Officers and Directors Election Night (IN PERSON MEETING)

    Date and Time of Event: 
    Thu, 11/04/2021 - 7:00pm
    a go

    The SBRA November General Meeting will be held as an "IN PERSON" meeting, on Thursday, November 4th at 7:00 pm.

    Meeting Details:
    Topic: SBRA November General Meeting
    November 4, 2021 at 07:00 PM

    Annual Officers and Directors Election Night

    Officers and Directors Nominations will be presented again by the Nomination Committee as was done at the October meeting. If you are interested in running for a position on the board, you can still step up at the November meetings. Once the meeting is over, no other nominations will be accepted. If there is only one member running for each board position then the SBRA Secretary will cast a single vote for each position, which will represent the vote on behalf of the membership. Should more than one SBRA Member run for a particular board position, then an electronic voting process will take place. All newly elected Officers and Directors shall take office at the January meeting following their election.

    Guest Speaker:
    Kerry Dunne, who has a Masters in Exercise Physiology and is a cross-fit coach will be the guest speak at our November meeting. .
    Kerry will talk about nutritional needs based upon our unique physiology and our individual goals based upon the science of consumption and muscle contraction, and also give tips on how to prevent bonking and how to maximize recovery.

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