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3 foot law ... help get this law to pass

    The New York Bicycling Coalition and Long Island Streets are continuing with our push to have Suffolk pass a three foot law. The Next public hearing of the Suffolk County legislature will be held on March 2, 2021 with the vote being held on March 16. The largest resistance appears to be coming from Legislators Krupski and Flemming. Links to their legislative pages are below. If you live in their Districts, please reach out and asking them not to oppose Resolution 1830-2020 "A local law to ensure the Safety of Bicyclists in Suffolk County".
    The only way to push the needle on this is by contacting your legislators and asking for continued support of the bill and to show up via zoom on the 2nd of March to voice you support of this law.

    Again, if you live in Krupski's or Flemming's district, PLEASE reach out to them as ask them not to oppose this law.
    Their links are here: (link is external) (link is external)

    To sign up to speak on the 2nd, visit the Suffolk County Legislative Website. Link is here: (link is external)

    Thank you,
    Daniel Flanzig

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