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Lake Panamouka & Ice cream

    Kittybike's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sun, 09/19/2021 - 10:00am
    a go
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    Come out for a ride to Lake Panamouka via Whiskey Road which will be flat and slightly rolling.  The return route will head north through Wading River, Rocky Point and Sound Beach which will be mostly rolling with a couple of hills.  Everyone will do their own pace on the hills and wait ups will occur with no one getting dropped.  This will be good conditioning for any off-island rides planned.

    Please bring plenty of water and snacks.  We will stop at McD's near L.Panamouka for a bathroom stop but there will be no lunch stops.  We will take a few brief rest/water stops as needed.  If you were on my ride last w/e this ride will be similar with a couple more hills through Wading River and a little more distance.

    Group can decide on an ice-cream treat stop at McNulty's on the way back, approximately 4-5 miles from the end.

    Please text me if you plan to join the ride.  All are welcome.

    Cell Phone Number: 
    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
    Sign-In Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
    Sign-In Sheet submitted INCOMPLETE (if red envelope shown): 
    Ride Statistics
    Ride Leaders: 
    Actual Miles: 

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