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Rocky Point Trails Thursday

    Kittybike's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Thu, 04/28/2022 - 10:15am
    a go
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Mountain Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    Lets ride Rocky Point Trails before it gets too warm; this will be one of the last times before the fall.  We will do the main trail and several of the easier diamonds including all the Moguls, Dragon and maybe one or two others.  The group can decide whether to add Westside Loop which will add 4 more miles.  This ride is meant for intermediate riders at a moderate pace.  Meet in parking lot on Rocky Pt Rd, just north of Whiskey Rd.

    Bring water and snacks. 

    DEC permits required to display on windshield and on person.  If you don't have one go to the NYS DEC websidte and get one instantly on line; good for 3 years. Print 2 copies.

    Please text me if you plan to join me as the ride will cancel if no takers.  631-806-9662

    Any changes or cancellation will be posted by 8:30 am.


    Cell Phone Number: 
    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
    Sign-In Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
    Sign-In Sheet submitted INCOMPLETE (if red envelope shown): 
    Ride Statistics
    Ride Leaders: 
    Actual Miles: 

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