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Ride Summaries: Cues, Rest Stops, GPS, Elevation, etc. (Consolidated)

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    Dan O's picture
    Dan O
    Joined: 01/09/2009 - 10:30am
    Ride Summaries: Cues, Rest Stops, GPS, Elevation, etc. (Consolidated)

    Hey folks,

    So I thought one way to help our illustrious team of webmasters with content is to post summaries of some of the rides. As they see fit, this information could be transfered onto the website, or just left here in this thread for future reference. Let's try to keep it all under one ongoing thread rather than create a bunch of them making it harder to keep track of what's been (and what has not been) posted.

    In the end, the idea is to create a source of info on each route beyond the simple cue that just might exist right now. So let's give it a try.

    I would suggest we use the following format, though I am open to suggestions.

    Route Name:

    Statistics (miles, elevation, F_R_H, etc.) :

    Rest Stop Suggestions:


    Editted to add: Other ideas include
    - Link to ride start location page
    - Info on bathrooms, 7/11's, etc by start
    - General road conditions (ie, LI Ave ... ugh!)

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