Ask Governor Cuomo to make a resolution to invest in biking and walking in 2014!
Dear NYBC Members & Friends,
We are all thinking about our New Year's resolution this time of year. Many people resolve to be healthier and active by biking and walking more. And communities all over the state are eager to build trails, bike paths and lanes, and sidewalks to help them do that.
Unfortunately the huge demand for projects like these far outpaces the funding that is available to build them.
Even though New York has the highest fatality rate in the nation for bicyclists and pedestrians, the state is only spending a few pennies on the dollar to protect these vulnerable users of our roadways.

Recent reductions in funding, on a state and federal level, have greatly limited the ability of communities to develop the infrastructure needed to implement the state's Complete Streets law and promote bicycling and walking.
New Yorkers for Active Transportation (NY4AT), a coalition founded by New York Bicycling Coalition, Parks and Trails NY and Tri-State Transportation Campaign, has been working to ensure New Yorkers of all ages and abilities are provided with safe, healthy and low-cost active transportation by advocating for increased funding for bike and pedestrian projects.
NY4AT recently sent this letter to Governor Cuomo and his top transportation officials.
Here's what you can do:
Join us in signing a postcard to Governor Cuomo requesting:
- $20 million in the 2014-15 state budget specifically dedicated to funding pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure projects, with a minimum additional commitment of $20 million annually over the next 5 years.
- Revision of NYSDOT's Preservation First policy so that it does not exclude new pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure projects and is consistent with the intent of the state's Complete Streets law.
We hope to deliver a tall stack of cards to the Capitol, but we can't do it without your help.
Send your postcard by January 6th. It takes just two clicks:
1. Read the postcard
2. Sign on
Thank you for standing up biking and walking in 2014. Your voice matters!
Josh Wilson
Executive Director
If you have questions about this campaign, please contact NYBC by phone at 518-436-0889 or email at nybc@nybc.net.

New York Bicycling Coalition
PO Box 8868
Albany, New York 12208