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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride TBC (I keep working my way back to you Babe) Bill Wenk 1 03/06/2016 - 12:59pm a go B/B+ 32mi Sun, 03/06/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Quogue Preserve Bill G 03/06/2016 - 8:35am CHANGED C+/B- 24mi Tue, 03/08/2016 - 9:45am
    Forum topic Pictures from Ron's Overton Ride are posted ... Stormnnorman 03/05/2016 - 9:56pm
    Bike Ride Smithtown hills Richie 03/05/2016 - 9:22pm a go B 17mi Tue, 03/08/2016 - 11:00am
    Bike Ride Century Training Ride#1: Look on the Map, I Think We've Been Here Before ALF 2 03/05/2016 - 8:15pm a go B+ 43mi Sat, 03/05/2016 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride overton mtn bike guruguy 2 03/05/2016 - 2:13pm a go B/B+ 9mi Sat, 03/05/2016 - 9:15am
    Bike Ride the j-crew ride guruguy 03/04/2016 - 10:47pm a go B+ 40mi Wed, 03/09/2016 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Mtn Bike Manorville Hills Stormnnorman 03/04/2016 - 10:46pm a go B/B+ 13mi Mon, 03/07/2016 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride the other other breakfast club guruguy 03/04/2016 - 10:45pm a go B+/A- 36mi Tue, 03/08/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride the other breakfast club guruguy 03/04/2016 - 10:39pm a go B+ 36mi Mon, 03/07/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:59pm a go C+/B- 18mi Thu, 04/14/2016 - 5:15pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:56pm CANCELED C+/B- 18mi Tue, 04/12/2016 - 5:15pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:53pm CANCELED C+/B- 18mi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 5:00pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:51pm a go C+/B- 18mi Tue, 04/05/2016 - 5:00pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:47pm a go C+ 18mi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 4:50pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:41pm CANCELED C+ 18mi Tue, 03/29/2016 - 4:50pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:37pm a go C+ 18mi Thu, 03/24/2016 - 4:50pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:32pm a go C+ 18mi Tue, 03/22/2016 - 4:40pm
    Bike Ride "no" work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:29pm CHANGED C 18mi Thu, 03/17/2016 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:26pm a go C 18mi Tue, 03/15/2016 - 4:35pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 03/04/2016 - 7:24pm a go C 18mi Thu, 03/10/2016 - 4:30pm
    Bike Ride North Fork Tour Tim 03/04/2016 - 3:05pm a go B 50mi Wed, 03/09/2016 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Volunteering for Bike Boat Bike Kittybike 1 03/04/2016 - 2:55pm
    Forum topic Bike Boat Bike Lost and Found Web Editor 03/04/2016 - 2:45pm
    Bike Ride Coram to Shoreham Ronnie L. 03/04/2016 - 1:05pm a go C+ 24mi Mon, 03/07/2016 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride TBC (There's a pretty little thing waiting for the King) Bill Wenk 03/04/2016 - 10:56am a go B/B+ 32mi Sun, 03/13/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride TBC (Muriel plays piano every Friday at the Hollywood) Bill Wenk 03/04/2016 - 10:53am a go B/B+ 32mi Sat, 03/12/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride No Go-It's a pain to ride in the rain!!! Bill Wenk 03/04/2016 - 10:48am CANCELED B/B+ 32mi Fri, 03/11/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride TBC (Forever in blue jeans) Bill Wenk 03/04/2016 - 9:02am a go B/B+ 32mi Tue, 03/08/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride TBC (Goodbye Norma Jean) Bill Wenk 03/04/2016 - 8:58am a go B/B+ 32mi Mon, 03/07/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Where have all the Ploetz gone? Gary B. 3 03/04/2016 - 8:22am a go B- 29mi Sun, 03/06/2016 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride TBC (Are you there, say a prayer for the pretender) Bill Wenk 1 03/04/2016 - 8:12am a go B/B+ 32mi Mon, 02/29/2016 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Wildwood State Park Bill G 03/04/2016 - 8:08am a go C+/B- 27mi Wed, 03/09/2016 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride park loops... christine 03/04/2016 - 6:45am CANCELED B+ 30mi Fri, 03/11/2016 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Glacier Ridge John S 03/03/2016 - 7:17pm a go B 13mi Fri, 03/04/2016 - 8:30am


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