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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride Babylon by way of vets Patpuff14 3 08/30/2015 - 5:10pm a go B+ 42mi Sun, 08/30/2015 - 8:15am
    Bike Ride Quick ride to Holtsville JoannaP 08/30/2015 - 3:17pm a go B/B+ 23mi Wed, 09/02/2015 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride park loops... christine 08/30/2015 - 12:26pm a go B+ 32mi Fri, 09/04/2015 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride HCC/Mid Island Bobby 08/30/2015 - 7:44am a go B- 27mi Tue, 09/01/2015 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Pictures from Marty's Ride are posted .... Stormnnorman 08/29/2015 - 10:05pm
    Bike Ride Marty's Ride Marty 4 08/29/2015 - 9:46pm a go B+/A- 51mi Sat, 08/29/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride my big fat (bike) full moon beach ride(new date) guruguy 5 08/29/2015 - 7:08pm a go Multi 10mi Sat, 08/29/2015 - 7:30pm
    Bike Ride The Breakfast Club (I been to Hollywood, I been to Redwood) Bill Wenk 1 08/29/2015 - 7:00pm a go B+ 32mi Sat, 08/29/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Festive Time Bobby 08/29/2015 - 3:59pm a go B- 35mi Sat, 09/19/2015 - 9:15am
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 08/29/2015 - 3:41pm a go B- 15mi Thu, 09/03/2015 - 4:30pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 08/29/2015 - 3:38pm a go B- 15mi Wed, 09/02/2015 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 08/29/2015 - 3:33pm a go B- 15mi Tue, 09/01/2015 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride after work spin Marianne 08/29/2015 - 3:28pm a go B- 15mi Mon, 08/31/2015 - 5:30pm
    Location 3 Speedwell Ave., Morristown, NY Tom F. 08/29/2015 - 1:03pm
    Page SBRA Board Member Elections for 2016 Web Editor 08/29/2015 - 7:04am
    Bike Ride Manorville34 Andrea Miller 08/28/2015 - 7:13pm a go B+ 34mi Sat, 09/05/2015 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride The Breakfast Club (Your Mama don't dance) Bill Wenk 08/28/2015 - 2:57pm a go B/B+ 43mi Mon, 09/14/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride The Breakfast Club (Goodbye Rosie the Queen of Corona) Bill Wenk 08/28/2015 - 2:53pm CANCELED B+ 32mi Thu, 09/10/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride The Breakfast Club (Sail on silver girl, sail on by) Bill Wenk 08/28/2015 - 2:46pm CANCELED B+ 32mi Wed, 09/09/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride The Breakfast Club (August die she must, autumn winds...) Bill Wenk 08/28/2015 - 2:42pm a go B+ 37mi Tue, 09/08/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride The Breakfast Club (Way down here we got a reason to go) Bill Wenk 08/28/2015 - 2:37pm a go B+ 32mi Mon, 09/07/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:27pm CANCELED B+ 43mi Fri, 10/02/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Fri, 09/11/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Fri, 09/18/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Fri, 09/04/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Fri, 10/09/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Mon, 09/14/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Mon, 09/21/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Breakfast Club (Location,Location,Location) Karen Catoggio 08/28/2015 - 1:26pm a go B+ 43mi Mon, 08/31/2015 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride South Shore Ride Joe M. 08/28/2015 - 9:46am a go B- 20mi Tue, 09/01/2015 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Stony brook - Shoreham Marko 08/28/2015 - 9:12am a go B- 33mi Sun, 08/30/2015 - 9:15am
    Bike Ride Rons Pre Octoberfest Ride JoannaP 08/28/2015 - 8:28am a go B/B+ 40mi Sat, 09/19/2015 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride the "back to school" special guruguy 1 08/27/2015 - 10:34pm a go B/B+ 20mi Fri, 08/28/2015 - 8:45am
    Bike Ride Doug's West Route Gregg IZ 08/27/2015 - 10:15pm a go A 75mi Sun, 08/30/2015 - 7:00am
    Bike Ride North Fork Ride Brian 08/27/2015 - 3:33pm a go B 35mi Sun, 08/30/2015 - 8:30am


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