The SBRA March General Meeting will be held as a "VIRTUAL" meeting, on Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 pm.
We will be using Zoom as the conferencing software. You can download the free application and be able to join this virtual club meeting.
Meeting Details:
Topic: SBRA March General Meeting (Virtual)
Date/Time: March 6, 2025 at 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the weblink below (or copy and paste it into your browser):
Meeting ID: 870 6826 0392
Passcode: 156536
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Guest Speaker:

SBRA Member Kevin Rooney, will be discussing Fueling Strategies and Supplementation.
About Kevin ...
I graduated from the University of Missouri in 1984, and I began racing in 1993 with the Island Racing Team, primarily competing in Central and Prospect Parks and in Point Pleasant, NJ as a Cat III rider. After I finished racing, I began attending USAC sponsored coaching clinics in Glenn Falls New York, which were taught by professional cyclist Betsy King. Currently, I am a USA Cycling Level 2 Coach, Safe Sport Certified and have been an SBRA member since 2015, typically riding B+/A-, and more recently, qualifying for the 2024 USA Cycling Gran Fondo National Championship.