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SBRA Rides and Events Calendar by Day

First click on the "ride title" to see a popup short description of the ride.
Then click on the "popup ride title" to see a *** FULL DESCRIPTION *** of the ride details.

Under the Ride Level details, the "Type: Road Bike" refers to the ride will be on paved roads (rather then off road trails). Although a Road Bike is suggested for Road Bike Type rides it is not required. Hybrid and mountain bikes can be used on these rides as well provided you are comfortable with the pace outline in the Posted Ride. This ride calendar is for club rides, club meetings, club event posts and shop rides only.
For Other Events in our area and off Long Island check out the "Other Rides & Events calendar" and the "Forums"

To go more quickly back or forward "several" months click the "Year" link here or at the top of page.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Time Items
All day
Vets Pk Meander
Marc R's picture

Vets Pk Meander

Date and Time of ride: 
Thu, 03/20/2025 - 9:30am
a go
Ride Level
Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
Road Bike
Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 


Vets Pk Meander


Come join me for a 9:30am C+/B- meander thru Manorville.  There will be some water views.

We will average between 13 to 14, with cruising between 15 to 17 to get that average. 


I will wait-up whenever someone falls behind.  No one will be dropped.  If you want to join me please text me on my cell, 631-655-7801.  Please provide your name, SBRA, cell, and emergency numbers.  Any changes to the ride will be posted by 7:30am.  The ride will be limited to 10 riders, unless a second ride leader signs up and wishes to split the ride.  Once accepted onto the ride if you need to cancel for any reason please text me as early as possible.  Hope to see you there.


Cell Phone Number: 
631 655-7801
Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
Sheet submitted INCOMPLETE (if red envelope shown): 
Ride Statistics
Ride Leaders: 
9:30am - C+/B- 26mi a go - Type: Road Bike - Ride Leader: Marc R -
SBRA Ride Leader Training 2025 (Virtual)

SBRA Ride Leader Training 2025 (Virtual)

Date and Time of Event: 
Thu, 03/20/2025 - 7:00pm
a go

SBRA Annual Ride Leader Training
This year's event will again be held VIRTUALLY on
.Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 pm.

This event is required for ALL Ride Leaders to attend as done each year.
It is provided as a way to maintain safety and uniformity of policies on all SBRA rides.
The event will be held "Virtually" and all current Ride Leaders will be sent the login information.

If you are interested in becoming a Ride Leader
for this ride season, you must attend the Ride Leader Training,
as well as follow the "Ride Leader Guidelines" provided on this website.
You can also go to the "Be a Ride Leader" page for more details.
Please contact the SBRA Ride Director for more information:

a go - 7:00pm

Symbols: A GO, DELAYED or CHANGED (review comments on ride), CANCELED,
SignIn Sheet Status: waiting , turned in, ride sheet incomplete (Note: also click here for full report of incomplete ride sheets).

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