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BBB Photos of UltraFuel - got any?

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    NM-Karen W
    Joined: 03/18/2009 - 9:01am
    BBB Photos of UltraFuel - got any?

    Some fabulous photos from BBB have been posted in the gallery, but I only see one that shows UltraFuel. As you know, Twinlab (the company I work for) donated UltraFuel (used at most of the water stops), TwinCal Water (served at the end of the ride), and Electrolyte Spray (given to volunteers at the pre-party). We (that would be my boss!) were hoping to get photos showing the use of those products and post them on our website ( If you have any such photos, please post them or email them to me. Thanks so much.....and thanks for all everyone did to make this event as terrific as it always is! Karen

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