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lets rename Long Island Rain Island

    1 post / 0 new
    Bill G.
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 5:07pm
    lets rename Long Island Rain Island

    It is pouring again on LI. IT rains 5 to 7 days a week for the last 3 mounts. maybe we will have to trade in our bikes for Kayaks. The Flooded roads may be deep enough do paddle our bike routs by boat. fish have been spotted swimming along Bell port LN. ON Mill Pond golf Cause boats are replacing Golf carts on the fairways, do to flooding,

    There is a 40 to 50 percent chance of more rain for Friday . There is a 70 percent chance of morning rain and lingering afternoon rain showers for Saturday. There is a 40 percent of morning rain storms for Sunday.

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