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    Patpuff14's picture
    Joined: 12/29/2008 - 5:48pm
    SBRA CARES RIDE CLUB Participation

    So for at least a year we as individuals and groups have been keeping our distance while caring for the health of ourselves and others. I have missed our previous club functions which enabled us to interact with club members who do not always participate in our individual rides. Next Sunday we have the opportunity to get together as a group , do a ride and have a fund raiser for our community who are not as fortunate as we have been. What happened to our club? I do not see a great amount of interest in this event. It is very important for clubs to share common history and experiences otherwise why even have a club? We could just do rides with the usual group of 10 people who join us and then go home. We need to come together again and enjoy each other's company and fun. I hope next Sunday will be our new start as a bike family again.

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