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Empire Sate Ride "Ride for the Cure" Fundraiser

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    Bino R
    Joined: 02/28/2016 - 9:06am
    Empire Sate Ride "Ride for the Cure" Fundraiser

    Would it be possible to send this to the FORUM of our website to see if anyone may be interested in donating to a member riding in a Cancer Research ride? Thanks

    Hello and Happy Kickoff to Summer!!!

    It's that time of the year again for the Empire State "Ride to End Cancer" fundraiser event in Oyster Bay
    This year (my 4th year participating) I am riding 62 miles with my team (Team Revolution) on June 8th starting in Oyster Bay riding along the Gold Coast of Long Island.
    Everyone knows someone whose life has been affected by cancer. This is my opportunity to make a difference and impact cancer research from the seat of my bike. "With two wheels we are going to change the world"
    The funds raised by our riders support clinical research and trails at Catholic Health's Cancer Institutes on Long Island and America's first cancer center, Rosewell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY
    There is a fundraising page - see link below -  that will get you directly to my page - where you, your family members, your friends....can Donate to  (or even sign up to ride along with my team).
    I am grateful for your support, appreciate your donation and would welcome you to share this opportunity to make a difference.
    Last year I was personally able to raise over $1,600 and as a team over $6,500 (of the $100k Total raised that day). So let's try to match or better than result -and only with your help can I/we do so.
    Thank you and God Bless!
    NOTE: after opening this link, below the picture there is an orange "Donate Now" banner - Please CLICK on it!
    I must say I never get tired of watching this video -

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