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Recent Posts

    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride 3 world gym !!! Tony S 1 03/30/2014 - 7:31am CHANGED B/B+ 30mi Sun, 03/30/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Bruce's Mid-Week Training Ride Bruce 03/30/2014 - 7:07am a go B 42mi Thu, 04/03/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Tour the Three Villages Glen C. 03/30/2014 - 6:27am a go B+ 38mi Tue, 04/01/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Easy Spin Chris Musso 03/30/2014 - 12:39am a go C 13mi Sat, 04/05/2014 - 3:00pm
    Bike Ride 4 hills Chris Musso 03/30/2014 - 12:24am a go C+/B- 17mi Fri, 04/04/2014 - 5:00pm
    Forum topic Pictures from Today's (3/29) Century Training and RAINING Rides ... Stormnnorman 03/29/2014 - 4:47pm
    Bike Ride Manorville 32*START TIME CHANGE* NM-John M 3 03/29/2014 - 4:45pm CHANGED B/B+ 32mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville 36*START TIME CHANGE* Bobby 3 03/29/2014 - 3:13pm CHANGED B- 32mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride After the rain Chris Musso 03/29/2014 - 1:32pm CANCELED C 12mi Mon, 03/31/2014 - 2:30pm
    Forum topic Active .com Privacy Policy - BBB Registration - No Privacy Opt-Out Allowed Tim 03/29/2014 - 10:43am
    Bike Ride Century Training JoannaP 03/29/2014 - 8:03am a go B 55mi Sat, 04/05/2014 - 8:45am
    Forum topic bethpage bicycle path guruguy 03/29/2014 - 7:41am
    Bike Ride CTR#5 ***It's a GO! *** off to Area 51 ALF 1 03/29/2014 - 7:02am a go B+ 56mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride RP2IPBP+JP Gregg IZ 03/29/2014 - 6:53am a go A 61mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 7:00am
    Bike Ride Holtsville to Bellport Phil C. 2 03/28/2014 - 8:18pm a go B+ 39mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Before You're Saying It's Too Hot!!!! Bill Wenk 03/28/2014 - 6:54pm a go B/B+ 35mi Wed, 04/02/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride The Light Between Oceans (date and time change) Bill Wenk 03/28/2014 - 6:41pm CHANGED B 26mi Thu, 04/03/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride T.G.I.F. christine 03/28/2014 - 3:45pm CANCELED B/B+ 30mi Fri, 04/04/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Pug Train Ride christine 4 03/28/2014 - 3:41pm DELAYED B/B+ 32mi Fri, 03/28/2014 - 9:30am
    SBRA Event April General Meeting Last King Of Sc... 03/28/2014 - 10:14am Thu, 04/03/2014 - 7:00pm
    Bike Ride Eastport to Tully's Joe M. 03/28/2014 - 8:54am CHANGED B- 35mi Sun, 04/06/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride South Shore Ride Joe M. 03/28/2014 - 8:45am a go B- 15mi Tue, 04/01/2014 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Is it Spring???? Bill Wenk 2 03/28/2014 - 6:43am a go B/B+ 30mi Fri, 03/28/2014 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Unbelievable Cycling Skill Rob 03/27/2014 - 10:17pm
    Shop Bike Ride Carl Hart Shop Ride Darren F 03/27/2014 - 9:42am a go B+/A- 36mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 7:45am
    Bike Ride Bruce's B Century Training Ride Bruce 03/27/2014 - 7:12am CANCELED B 45mi Sun, 03/30/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Fun Ride - NOTE MILEAGE CHANGE FrankD 03/26/2014 - 6:17pm CHANGED B- 30mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Manorville 32 NM-John M 03/26/2014 - 5:35pm a go B/B+ 32mi Wed, 04/02/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Century Training Glen C. 03/25/2014 - 7:53pm CANCELED B+ 56mi Sun, 03/30/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Slow Hills lin 03/25/2014 - 7:40pm CANCELED C+ 19mi Tue, 04/01/2014 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Chowder & Dessert Bobby 03/25/2014 - 9:29am a go B- 39mi Sat, 04/05/2014 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride B+ Century Training Ride... Last King Of Sc... 03/25/2014 - 9:02am a go B+ 56mi Sun, 04/06/2014 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Moriches to WHB-9:00 START Tricia 03/24/2014 - 6:29pm CHANGED C+ 35mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Cycling Rural Pennsylvania - Carlisle area John 03/24/2014 - 4:44pm
    Bike Ride Eastport to Tully's Joe M. 03/24/2014 - 1:49pm CHANGED B- 35mi Sat, 03/29/2014 - 10:00am


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