First click on the "ride title" to see a popup short description of the ride. Then click on the "popup ride title" to see a *** FULL DESCRIPTION *** of the ride details.
Under the Ride Level details, the "Type: Road Bike" refers to the ride will be on paved roads (rather then off road trails). Although a Road Bike is suggested for Road Bike Type rides it is not required. Hybrid and mountain bikes can be used on these rides as well provided you are comfortable with the pace outline in the Posted Ride. This ride calendar is for club rides, club meetings, club event posts and shop rides only.
For Other Events in our area and off Long Island check out the "Other Rides & Events calendar" and the "Forums"
To go more quickly back or forward "several" months click the "Year" link here or at the top of page.
I'll be doing one hill in Mt. Sinai then riding out to Miller Place and swinging south to do a loop via Radio Ave ... heading back onto the bike path to the Setauket terminus.
Be sure to check back Tuesday evening after 8:30 PM for any changes ....
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
Running late to the Ride Start ... just PULL OVER and call my cell below.
My first ride from this start location to the Bakery, not sure of the mileage (plus or minus a few). We'll do a moderate C+/B- pace with water stops along the way. Any changes posted no later than 8:30am that morning.
Bean & Bagel will be our rest stop will adjust speed to the slowest rider no one left behind there wiil be go aheads for the faster riders Questions call cell phone after 7am and before 8pm please.
Ride this cycling gem counterclockwise on lightly traveled perimeter roads exploring the coves and inlets. There are great waterside views and scenic vistas throughout this hilly route. Roll along the causeways leading to the Ram Islands. Keep in mind there will be short ups and downs throughout the ride. Bring pocket food for our stop at Wade’s beach. Ferry fare $ 5.00 round trip including your bike.
We will be leaving Back Of American in East Islip heading to Great River and East Islip area. Then we will head to Islip Beach. Please bring your snacks and drinks for this ride. Any questions call Mike at 516 448-8545
This is a B- ride with an average speed of 14.5 to 15 mph, road speeds may reach 17-18mph. Check the ride calender for any changes posted by 2:00pm day of ride.
4:00pm update: Windy (and humid!) over here but looks like showers are up north. So...we are ON.
Join us as we travel scenic backroads thru the Stonybrook-Setauket area: historic places, great views, great sunsets, great folks. We are a diverse group out for an enjoyable ride and fun nite. There are places to stretch your legs ahead and wait ups after climbs. But please note this is not a "race ride". Apres ride dinner.
Check ride calendar for any changes or cancellations by 4:30pm the day of ride.
After work spin...starting with a c, around 11-13 pace, and will build from there. We will stop at the Bellport docks for a quick break. Any questions about this ride call my cell 631-882-4366
3200' climbing- but we stop at the Copenhagen Bakery. This ride is listed as A for dificulty not speed. This is the same route we rode last time. No time like the present to get more hills in before the end of summer fondos.
I am posting this "C" ride for Nancy, Joan, Valerie and others who are looking for a slow paced ride. This will be an easy and almost completely flat ride around St. James. We will stop for a break at St. James Bagels, and there will be cue sheets.
As of the time of theis posting, there is a 40% chance for scattered thunderstorms. If this is more likely as we get closer to the day of the ride, I will probably delay the start to late morning, or around noon. Watch for any changes early on Thursday.
I will keep the pace between 11.2 and 11.8 abd there will be cue sheets.
Today's Mi Tierrita ride will be going to Smith’s Point. The route is mostly flat with a small incline here and there and of course the Woodside bigger incline. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.5 to 15.0 +/- mph, depending on the roads, wind direction. The road speed will be between 15 and 16.5 mph.
We'll stop along the way for a bathroom break around mile 10. Don’t forget to bring a snack for the beach stop. Do you know what AGUAPANELA is? Come and find out; PARKING: Use the area of the parking lot on the SOUTH side first.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30 am if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text anytime if you have questions about the ride or need directions to the start...
Come along and see what the renown Kreb ride is all about ... Except for our 5 minute head start we'll tag-along Alley's tag-along of the Kreb ride if they do the North route (yet to be posted by Chris & Alley) ... we'll do the North route regardless. We will have hill top wait ups once we get to the top the E. Bartlett hill in Middle Island.
Be sure to check back Thursday evening after 8:30 PM ....
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
Running late to the Ride Start ... just PULL OVER and call my cell below.
New start location to reduce mileage, early start time to beat the heat, not using the Grumman Trail. Last weeks pie with a $1.50 slushy, along with the bike ride and views of the bison herd, made for a great way to start the day. Bring singles and quarters if you want to share a pie, provided there are enough riders interested in pie. Optional lunch at the Maples Bar if you are interested. Make sure you bring plenty of water. For info: contact Bill Gravitz at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:30am.
Join Brenda and me for this ride from Calverton, around Manorville, and up to Wildwood for our break. We will probably ride on some of the new bike path in Calverton.
You may bring a snack, or pick something at the deli before we go into the park for our break.
This will be a C+/B- ride, which will average 13.4 - 13.9, with cue sheets, and no one will be left behind.
Easy ride through Sayville and Oakdale before heading out to CoreyBeach for a quick break..Bring a snack. Park in the small lot on the south side of the tracks.
Looking to keep this like a Fondo ride where we ride certain hills hard and the rest of the ride at a moderate pace. The first hill that we ride hard is Little Flower. There will be a wait up at the end. Next, we have a rest stop at the gas station on Edwards and LIE. I have spoken with them and the will have picnic tables set up for us. The next hill that we ride hard is 51. Rather than a full stop, we will have a soft pedal until the group is together. Of course, we will ride 111 hard but keep in mind that the group will stay together or we will have a wait up. The next brief stop will be at the Yaphank Fire House. The last 2 hills, Aston and Carl Hart Hill will also be on the list of riding hard.
In between the hills, I want to keep a pace that we can all handle. Please check the route before you arrive or download it as I will be looking for other peop;e to help me keep everyone together.
Depending on wind, tide and position of moon we will ride approx. 20ish miles at a 10-11.5 mph pace from Ronk station. Be ready to roll at posted time with water, fully inflated tires and helmet. Newbies always welcome and well taken care of and nobody gets left behind. Be there or be square. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 8am.
Update - 8/4/18 – 7:05am. It really looks like rain is coming. The ride is cancelled for today. Tomorrow looks like a better day. Think I’ll go back to bed. Bobby
off to Manorville. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.6 to 15.0 mph +/- depending on the roads, wind direction, rider ability or other conditions. Naturally, the road speed will be higher (15 -16.5 mph.) to produce the average. A rest/ food stop at McDonald’s or the bagel shop is on the schedule around mile 16. There are a few places along the route where leg stretches can be done for those who wish to do so. There is no obligation for anyone to do this; you can hang back with me.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30am, if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text me anytime if you have questions about the ride.
Enjoy a total of 15 car free miles on this 30 mile ride. Our break will be at the McDonald's in Manorville. An early start and a C+ pace should help us to cope with the hot weather. For info: call Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:45am.
Ride to Briermere thru Riverhead and Jamesport. Bring $ or snacks for Briermere rest stop. Easy pace, wait ups if needed. Please park on the dead end street next to Papa Joe's restuarant off Rte 111
Launch from the South Street School for a ride to Briermere Farms, with another visit to Area 51! This time we'll approach the Col des Aliens from the south face, so be ready for a fast descent!
Beware of aliens trying to hijack the pace with their evil carbon bikes in Area 51...
Join me for a morning ride from Sayville to Bellport, where we'll stop at the Bellport dock to view the Great South Bay. Either bring a snack or you may purchase something in Bellport on the way to the dock.
This is a structured C+/B- ride which will average 13.4 - 13.9, depending on the wind, the riders in the group, etc. There will be cue sheets and no one will be dropped.
Anyone for pizza at the end? (maybe Carvel too)
NOTE #1: for couples that ride different levels, Tom (Big Kahuna) has a C ride at the same time as this ride.
NOTE #2: Park on the South Side of the train station.
Depending on wind, tide, position of moon and ride leaders disposition we will ride approx. 20ish miles at an 11-11.5 average speed. As always newbies always welcome and NOBODY gets left behind. So get off your butt, and lets ride for some exercise. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 8:00AM. Anyone for pizza at the rides end?
Tour the North Fork. Easy meander past some lovely places. Stop for a bite by the waterfront carousel. Some rolling hills, some great vistas, no pressure. Any changes posted by 7:30. My cell 646-643-6856
Today’s route to Great River will change up a bit towards the end of the ride, if the wind is in our favor; making this route pretty flat except for 2 overpasses. We will go the usual route heading south using the Connetquot Park bike bath. We’ll work our way down to Heckscher Park, do a loop where one can stretch the legs a bit if desired.
The average pace for this ride will be between 14.5 & 15.0 +/- mph, or what conditions allow. The road speed will be between 15 and 16.5 mph, or slower if needed for safety concerns.
We’ll be making a rest stop around mile 19 at the deli/bakery. The route back will be determined by the wind direction. Good Stuff after the Ride. Not sure what good stuff; it's always a surprise.
Any cancellations due to unforeseeable circumstances, or weather related problems will be posted by 7:30am. If you have any questions about this ride, or the start location, please call or text my cell, 631-484-3490.
Going to Briermere for the rest stop easy C ride no one left behind will adjust pace for whoever shows up any questions call Cell phone 7am to 8pm 631-484-1650.
This is a multi-level ride, my ride will probably be going to Cutchogue. If you wish, you may join us at the Sound Bistro (formerly the Lobster Roll North) on Sound Avenue for lunch following the ride (you pay for your own food and drink). By the start of the ride we need to know how many people are going to eat with us so that we can let the restaurant reserve the space for us. For info: contact me at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for any changes, which would be posted by 07:00am.
Let's ride from the Riverhead Waterfront out to Mattituck on Peconic Bay Boulevard, visit the submarine base at New Suffolk and then cut up to the West Side of Mattituck inlet. The Park there gives a nice view of the inlet and the sound. Pretty water views and you get to see Peconic Bay and Long Island Sound. Multiple opportunities for rest stops. Bring plenty of water or other hydration fluid for the ride and a snack for when we stop at the Mattituck inlet park. This will be a very moderate B pace. We'll stay as a group, no one gets dropped.
Lunch at Sound Bistro after the ride. I need to tell Christine just before the ride start how many from my ride will be attending lunch. The Sound Bistro was the Lobster Roll last year. We each take care of our own tab. You can ride and skip the lunch.
This is a mulit-level ride and you may pick the ride leader/distance/pace you want to do.
My ride is a C+ ride, which will average 12.6 - 12.9, with cue sheets. We will be riding out to Mattituck, where we will take a break at the Deli on Love Lane. Our return will take us through Jamesport, then up around Riverhead, and back to the start.
If you wish, some riders are going to the Sound Bistro (formerly the Lobster Roll North) on Sound Avenue for lunch following the ride (you pay for your own food and drink). By the start of the ride we need to know how many people are planning to go to the restaurant, so they can set aside enough seating space.
Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for any changes, which would be posted by 7:30 am.
This is going to be a multi-level ride. If you wish, you may join us at the Sound Bistro (formerly the Lobster Roll North) on Sound Avenue for lunch following the ride (you pay for what you eat and drink). I'm not sure of the route I am doing so the mileage may vary by a few. It will likely be a low to maybe mid C+ ride, no more! By the start of the ride, we need to know how many will be going to lunch so we can give the restaurant a heads up. Contact me (or any of the other ride leaders who will be posting) with any questions. Come join the fun!
If you did this ride last year, you remember how much fun it was! first we tour the beautiful north fork, and then you have the option to join other level riders at the Sound Bistro for an outdoor or indoor lunch (formally the Lobster Roll). This is a structured paceline ride. The lunch is unstructured. Choose what you want, pay for what you eat and drink.
If you did this ride last year, you remember how much fun it was! first we tour the beautiful north fork, and then you have the option to join other level riders at the Sound Bistro for an outdoor or indoor lunch (formally the Lobster Roll). This is a structured ride. The lunch is unstructured. Choose what you want, pay for what you eat and drink. Any ride cancellation by 7:30am.
Mostly steady A paced ride on the north fork. Exception is the tank farm rollers, wich has a waitup if needed. Route posted below. Before the ride start I need to pass along a head count of those riders going to Sound Bistro after the ride.
If you did this ride last year, you remember how much fun it was! first we tour the beautiful north fork, and then you have the option to join other level riders at the Sound Bistro for an outdoor or indoor lunch (formally the Lobster Roll). This is a structured paceline ride. The lunch is unstructured. Choose what you want, pay for what you eat and drink.
New riders welcome. We will stop at Worthiem Preserve for a quick break. Then to 7-11 for anyone who wants snacks and on to the beach. NO BINOCULARS PLEASE!!!
Quick after work spin ..pace between 12-14. We will stop at Bellport dock for a 5 min break. Any questions about this ride please call my cell 641-882-4366
Interval training ride on Route 51. It is not a steady pace ride. There will be two regroup stops. Strava numbers not important. It's not a race. It's a workout. Optional loop to Dune Rd added with a stop at Beach bakery. Then a cool down back to the parking lot.
Please check the route before you arrive. we will be doing the full Little Flower Hill twice and there will be limited stops. At the start of the ride, we will discuss the stops.
The usual Slow Hills ride, going to the Old Field lighthouse and flat Trustees Rd. We do B- on the flats and whatever we can do individually on the hills. Meetups after the hills are part of the ride. Short stop at Old Field lighthouse, snack (bring your own) and bathroom stop at West Meadow beach. Cancellation for weather posted by 7:30 am of ride morning. My contact prior to ride is []. Morning of ride, my cell is 631-835-1454.
The ride will take us around the Holbrook area, and then up to Ronkonkoma before turning around, heading south back to Holbrook. At the end of the ride we can all go for coffee and a bagel and chat as usual, if you want. The average pace for this ride will be between 14.5 & 15.0 mph; +/-....naturally the road speed will be higher to produce the average.
Any cancellation due to weather or any other circumstance will be posted no later than 7:30am if necessary. If you have question about the ride or the start location please call or text me 631.484.3490…
We will be leaving Bank of America and head to Great River and East Islip for a 21 mile ride. The ride will be at a B- pace with an average speed of around 14.5 to 15mph and road speeds that will reach 16 to 18mph.
Changes or cancelation will be posted by 2:30pm day of ride.
If you have any questions concerning this ride, call Mike at 516 448-8545.
Scenic south shore ride around Islip, East Islip and Great River. After the ride we will go to Jackson Hall for "Taco Tuesday" ($2 tacos & $5 margaritas all night long). Jackson Hall is conveniently located right next to BoA (ride start location).
As this is an after work ride wheels have to be down at 5:15 SHARP. Be ready to ride at the posted time as DAYLIGHTS A BURNIN! Depending on wind, tide, position of moon and ride leaders disposition we will ride approx. 15-18 miles at an 11-11.5 average speed. As always newbies always welcome and NOBODY gets left behind. So get off your butt, tell your boss you're sick (of work) and lets ride for some exercise. Any cancellation will be by 4PM.
We'll get an early start to beat the heat. Park by the Dunkin Donuts for this rolling ride to overlook the Sound in Shoreham. Bring your own snack and drink. There is no bathroom on this route, so plan accordingly. Any changes will be posted by 6:30 AM. Call if you have any questions.
Join us as we travel scenic backroads thru the Stonybrook-Setauket area: historic places, great views, great sunsets, great folks. We are a diverse group out for an enjoyable ride and fun nite. There are places to stretch your legs ahead and wait ups after climbs. But please note this is not a "race ride". Apres ride dinner.
Check ride calendar for any changes or cancellations by 4:30pm the day of ride.
Quick after work spin ..pace between 12-14. We will stop at Bellport dock for a 5 min break. Any questions about this ride please call my cell 641-882-4366
Off to Briermere's, with a stop to visit the Bison, if they are out. If interested in sharing a pie, provided that there are enough pie eaters, bring singles and quarters. Threat of rain may cancel ride or change ride. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check calendar the day of ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:45am.
Here is a ride for Jose, Nancy, Valerie, and others who are looking for easy and almost completely flat (no Mill Rd.) ride around Calverton and Manorville. We are leaving early to "beat the heat" and will stop at Bean & Bagel for our break. A portion of the ride will also include the new bike path, which has very little rider traffic mid-week. The ride will average 11.4 - 11.8, with cue sheets.
Today's Mi Tierrita ride will be going to Smith’s Point. The route is mostly flat with a small incline here and there and of course the Woodside bigger incline. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.5 to 15.0 +/- mph, depending on the roads, wind direction. The road speed will be between 15 and 16.5 mph.
We'll stop along the way for a bathroom break around mile 10. Don’t forget to bring a snack for the beach stop. Do you know what AGUAPANELA is? Come and find out; PARKING: Use the area of the parking lot on the SOUTH side first.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30 am if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text anytime if you have questions about the ride or need directions to the start...
We will be leaving Back of American in East Islip heading to Great River and East Islip area. Then we will head to Islip Beach. Please bring your snacks and drinks for this ride. Any questions call Mike at 516 448-8545
This is a B- ride with an average speed of 14.5 to 15 mph, road speeds may reach 17-18mph. Check the ride calender for any changes posted by 12:30pm day of ride.
Meet at the parking lot closest to 24 on Route 51. Average speed for this ride is 21.5 -22.5 depending how many riders we have. Wait up Little Flower. Live on 25 will be going on in Riverhead so we start out of the court complex.
Let's try the Smithtown Roller Coaster this Thursday Evening. Smithtown beaches, St James Harbor and Nissequoge estuary. Very Scenic. Very Hilly for Long Island. Ride as a group with wait-ups at the beaches and at the hill tops. There will be a slight modification to the route starting out. Cancellation by 4:00 PM day of ride. Dinner at the Greek Restaurant after the ride for all of those who like to join.
Off to Quogue, with a few scenic stops, and a break at the Westhampton Bakery. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for any changes, which would be posted by 06:30am.
Since the Kreb ride is staying flat I'm headed to the North Shore hills. We don't have mountains but once we start coming back from the hills we will feel fast as gravity is not slowing us down ... it feels really good!
The pace of doing these hills will be lower than the pace of B/B+ but the effort will be the same as that speed on the flats. Think of this as a warmup to do John's Wednesday Morning Hills ride but slower ... We'll run the North Country Rd hills between Wildwood and Wading River and do Boy Scout as a finale!
Carry a snack along as we won't be making a food stop until after the ride ...
Be sure to check back Thursday evening after 8:30 PM ....
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
Running late to the Ride Start ... just PULL OVER and call my cell below.
Join Brenda and me for a ride from Holtsville (Greenbelt Rec. Center) to East Islip, where we will take our break at the golf course. There are beverages, food, and bathroom facilities available.
This will be a C+/B- ride which will average 13.2 - 13.9 and there will be cue sheets.
NOTE: The entrance to the parking lot is on Greenbelt Parkway, off Patchogue Holbrook Rd., between Nocolls Road & Woodside Ave.
Out to Peconic via New Suffolk. Food stop at Cutchogue deli. On the way back we'll go over the Northville tank hill and stop at Briemere for a well deserved cookie. Ample opportunity to crank ahead or relax back with me. My cell 646-643-6856
An easy ride through East Islip and the lakes around Bright Waters Bring a snack ,we will take our break by a lake. This ride is now 20 miles instead of 18
Quick after work spin ..pace between 12-14. We will stop at Bellport dock for a 5 min break. Any questions about this ride please call my cell 641-882-4366
Looking to keep this like a Fondo ride where we ride certain hills hard and the rest of the ride at a moderate pace.
The first hill that we ride hard is Little Flower. There will be a wait up at the end. 1.0 miles
Next up on the Fondo is Mill E Rollers. Not a hill but if you pedal hard it's a great work out. 2.55 miles
Rest stop at our Exxon Station.
Next up is the 51 challenge. Not just the hill but the entire road to 111. 4.55 miles
Last timed hill will be Ashton from East Bartlet to W Bartlet. 1.0
Again in between the hills, I want to keep a moderate pace 19-20 mph. Please check the route before you arrive or download it as I will be looking for other people to help me keep everyone together.
Going to shorten the ride if it goes off. The original route to the first rest stop will remain intact. We will return using Mill Road and hopefully miss the rain.
Heading south to Smith's Pt. Beach with long S T R E T C H E S on the way & back. A short stop at the beach. Bring a snack & plenty of hydration the concession stand won't be open. Our pace has been a consistent 18-19 average so I'm posting it up a level. Please be able to keep up considering the group. My cell 631-922-0632
Come out and join me for a ride from Bellport to the Beach, where we will get to ride on part of the newly paved Old Stump Road. You may bring a snack, or pick something up on the way to the beach for our break.
My ride leaves just before Tom's C ride, and couples doing different rides can both ride from the same location.
This is a C+/B- ride, which will average 13.3 - 13.9, depending on the wind and the riders, and there will be cue sheets.
Darlene wants me to do 23ish miles at an 10.5-11.3 average pace to Smith's Point Beach. Bring water, bring or buy a snack at 7-11 for the beach (coffee if Jerry shows up). Newbies always welcome and nobody gets left behind. Any cancellation by 8am. Granola bars and cold drinks at rides end.
Let's meet on South Cedar Street and take the Jones Beach bike path. I'm making this a "C" pace since we'll be sharing the path with rollerbladers, walkers and families with small children on bikes.
Changes/cancellations due to rain will be no later than 7:00 AM the day of the ride, so check back on this post. Feel free to call/text 631-793-8298 with any questions you may have regarding the ride.
We'll bike from Bayport to Bellport. There will be a Bellport deli stop 14 miles in. If weather is pleasant we'll have our snack at the dock; otherwise we'll stay in the deli for AC. Please remember your helmet and your full water bottles! Make sure that your tires are at the proper pressure BEFORE leaving your house!! Proper pressure is embossed on side of tire. Make sure your brakes are working before day of ride!
Come early enough to be ready for a prompt 9am departure. Questions? Please email me at []. Morning of ride, my cell is 631-835-1454. Cancellation for weather will be posted no later than 7:30am.
Update – 8/11/18 – 7:10am. Well, guess what; it looks like another wash out Saturday. I must CANCEL the ride. Hope to see you tomorrow. It will be a better day with good stuff. Bobby
It's off to Manorville. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.6 to 15.0 mph +/- depending on the roads, wind direction, rider ability or other conditions. Naturally, the road speed will be higher (15 -16.5 mph.) to produce the average. A rest/ food stop at McDonald’s or the bagel shop is on the schedule around mile 16. There are a few places along the route where leg stretches can be done for those who wish to do so. There is no obligation for anyone to do this; you can hang back with me.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30am, if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text me anytime if you have questions about the ride.
Smooth ride, steady pulls and gentle decelerations... One stop, wait ups on top of hills . Leaves a discreet interval after the AA Early birds blast off.
Probably North Route unless group wants other option.
Please check here by 6:28 sunday morning to see if any changes... think no rain.
Please check back on this ride as the weather is always changing.
Saturday off maybe we can get this new ride in. Please check or download the ride as it is a different ride than usual. Wait up at the top of Pleasure drive. MRB stop at the 34-mile mark and the Tanks going backward!
East Islip to Northport with rest stop/food stop at Copenhagen Bakery by Northport Harbor. I'm posting this as a "B" ride but the avg might come in closer to "B-" due to some hills along the north shore. No one gets dropped - wait-ups as needed.
Rain is in the forecast so please check posting before leaving house. Any changes will be posted by 6:45am.
If anyone has any questions, please call (347-922-3824).
If you are a B- rider take the next step up. Train to be a B. We will be pushing to the B level, Riding to Sunshine Mall for our break. No one gets dropped and we will have wait ups. Some long stretches for those who want to let the legs spin. Brings water n snacks. Cold Water Melon after the ride. (refreshing)
Flat ride to Cupsogue Beach. Nice flats on Dune Road to Quogue. Stop on way back at Beach Bakery. Weather may be iffy so check for changes by 7:30. My cell 646-643-6856
Depending on wind, tide and position of moon we will ride approx. 20ish miles at a 10-11.5 mph pace from Ronk station. Be ready to roll at posted time with water, fully inflated tires and helmet. Newbies always welcome and well taken care of and nobody gets left behind. Be there or be square. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 8am.
Today’s route to Great River will change up a bit towards the end of the ride, if the wind is in our favor; making this route pretty flat except for 2 overpasses. We will go the usual route heading south using the Connetquot Park bike bath. We’ll work our way down to Heckscher Park, do a loop where one can stretch the legs a bit if desired.
The average pace for this ride will be between 14.5 & 15.0 +/- mph, perhaps in the lower "B" range. The road speed will be between 15 and 16.5 mph, +/-.
We’ll be making a rest stop around mile 19 at the deli/bakery. The route back will be determined by the wind direction. Good Stuff after the Ride. Not sure what good stuff; it's always a surprise.
Any cancellations due to unforeseeable circumstances, or weather related problems will be posted by 7:30am. If you have any questions about this ride, or the start location, please call or text my cell, 631-484-3490.
Going to Brieremere Farms for the rest stop and some snacks and maybe a little exercise no one left behind questions call cell before 8pm or after 7am, have a great day.
I am posting a recovery ride assuming that we ride this weekend. Please check back as this ride might change depending on what happens this weekend. The ride start will remain the same.
A new ride start for me. Let's see if I can find my way to Briermere. A moderate C+/B- pace with water breaks along the way. Any changes no later than 8;30am.
Ride from the Sayville Train Station to the Bellport Docks via the Patchogue waterfront. This will be a moderate B pace with a chance to stretch your legs on South Country Road. A short water/snack break at the Bellport docks.
spin to the beach... we wi’ll be riding between a 12-14 pace.. stoping at the beach for a short break.. any questions about this ride call my cell 631-882-4366
Interval training ride on Route 51. It is not a steady pace ride. There will be two regroup stops. Strava numbers not important. It's not a race. It's a workout. Addting and extra loop to Westhampton for those after mileage!
We will head out to Manorville, including the Mill Road rollers if the weather permits. Goal is the keep the average speed in the 18's with cruising on flats 19-20 mph.
Join me (and maybe Brenda) for a pleasant ride from the Yaphank Firehouse out to Manorville, where we will take a bathroom/snack break at McDonald's. We will travel over some of the newly paved roads in Manorville.
This will be a structured C+/B- ride, with an average pace of 13.4 - 13.9 (ride speed may be 15-16), with cue sheets, and no one will be dropped.
The usual Slow Hills ride, going to the Old Field lighthouse and flat Trustees Rd. We do B- on the flats and whatever we can do individually on the hills. Meetups after the hills are part of the ride. Short stop at Old Field lighthouse, snack (bring your own) and bathroom stop at West Meadow beach. Cancellation for weather posted by 7:30 am of ride morning. My contact prior to ride is []. Morning of ride my cell is 631-835-1454.
The ride will take us around the Holbrook area, and then up to Ronkonkoma before turning around, heading south back to Holbrook. At the end of the ride we can all go for coffee and a bagel and chat as usual, if you want. The average pace for this ride will be between 14.5 & 15.0 mph; +/- perhaps in the lower "B" range....naturally the road speed will be higher to produce the average. This ride has a few inclines and rollers.
Any cancellation due to weather or any other circumstance will be posted no later than 7:30am if necessary. If you have question about the ride or the start location please call or text me 631.484.3490…
ONLY MTB IS APPROPRIATE-THIS RIDE BEGINS AND ENDS ON THE ROAD WITH THE MIDDLE MAJORITY OF MILES BEING OFF ROAD. There is an option in the middle to go into a section of petrified trees, which is pretty cool, but only for the most skilled.
Late posting since Gordon cancelled his C ride. Ride to the Refuge. No food stop so bring drink and snack. I think the weather looks like it'll be okay but check back here before leaving for ride. Cancellation by 6:30 am.
Going to try out a new rest stop and a new cue sheet who's up for an adventure? No one left behind, questions call cell 631-484-1650 before 8pm or after 7am, have a great day.
Please note that I am keepig the ride start at JFK, Tom's companion ride is starting from Sayville train station. Route TBD and may include one loop of the bike path in Heckscher Park. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 3PM.
As this is an after work ride wheels have to be down at 5:15 SHARP. Be ready to ride at the posted time as DAYLIGHTS A BURNIN! Depending on wind, tide, position of moon and ride leaders disposition we will ride approx. 15-18 miles at an 11-11.5 average speed. As always newbies always welcome and NOBODY gets left behind. So get off your butt, tell your boss you're sick (of work) and lets ride for some exercise. Any cancellation will be by 4PM.
Park on South side of tracks in lot across from the school.
This ride includes 15 miles on a paved trail without cars. Our food/rest stop will be at mile 14 at the McDonald's in the King Kullen shopping center in Manorville. For info: contact Bill Gravitz at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which will be posted by 07:00am.
Will be trying for low to mid C+ but heat and/or wind might make that a little slower. Mill Road rollers done at your own pace. Only a short break half way so bring snack and drink. Possibly go to Wendy's after the ride.
Join us as we travel scenic backroads thru the Stonybrook-Setauket area: historic places, great views, great sunsets, great folks. We are a diverse group out for an enjoyable ride and fun nite. There are places to stretch your legs ahead and wait ups after climbs. But please note this is not a "race ride". Apres ride dinner.
Check ride calendar for any changes or cancellations by 4:30pm the day of ride.
3200' climbing- but we stop at the Copenhagen Bakery. This ride is listed as A for dificulty not speed. This is the same route we rode last time. Group will stay together.
Too hot for the hills so off to the Beach Bakery where we will have a break. The group will stay together for a smooth as velvet A ride. No chase rule in effect.
Scoops and Grinds, located in Cutchogue on Sound Ave, has great ice cream, and adjcacent to Scoops is Braun's sea food, where you can pick up a sea food lunch, chowders, etc. Behind scoops is a shaded area with picnic tables. We will make a short stop prior to Scoops at a deli in Cutchogue for coffee or whatever. This ride follows the route of my Peconic Meander ride. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:30am.
I am posting this "C" ride for Jose, Nancy, Joan, Valerie and others who are looking for an early slow paced ride. This will be an easy and almost completely flat ride around St. James, on some newly paved roads.
I will keep the pace between 11.2 and 11.8 and there will be cue sheets.
We will stop for a short break at St. James Bagels.
***Ride start location changed again. We will now be leaving from Sunshine Mall and we're heading to Beach Bakery in Westhampton. Sorry, but I had to change ride start location to keep miles around the 50 mark. Starting from Sayville would have pushed the ride over 65 miles again. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone. If for some reason you are running late, please just give me a call. My cell number is listed below.
Weather will be too hot to do 65 miles on Thurs. I am planning to reschedule the "Old BBB" ride for Sat 8/25. Current 10 day forecast is showing a high of 80 degrees with full sun on 8/25. Much more comfortable for a ride like this.
I believe this is the old Bike-Boat-Bike route. We will take Peconic Bay Blvd, New Suffolk Ave, and Rte 25 out to Greenport. We'll then take the North Ferry over to Shelter Island and bike across the island to the South Ferry. Lunch stop in Sag Harbor and then we'll return via Bridgehampton/Water Mill/Southampton. We'll cross the Shinnecock Canal and then take Newtown Rd, Red Creek Rd and Flanders Rd back to Riverhead.
Rest stops approximately every 20-25 miles or as needed. No one gets dropped. FYI - You will need some $$ for the ferry and lunch.
If anyone has any questions, please call (cell# below).
Today's Mi Tierrita ride will be going to Smith’s Point. The route is mostly flat with a small incline here and there and of course the Woodside bigger incline. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.5 to 15.0 +/- mph, and could wind up in the lower "B" range depending on the roads and wind direction. The road speed will be between 15 and 17.0 mph.
We'll stop along the way for a bathroom break around mile 10. Don’t forget to bring a snack for the beach stop. Do you know what AGUAPANELA is? Come and find out; PARKING: Use the area of the parking lot on the SOUTH side first.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30 am if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text anytime if you have questions about the ride or need directions to the start...
This finishing average for this ride has been between 21.5 and 22.6. We have one wait up at the top of Little Flower. The season is close to ending on this ride as it's the set is getting closer to 7.
Lets leave a little early to beat the heat: Sayville to Smith's Point A summer south shore ride to take a look at the ocean. Moderate B pace. No one will be left behind. I will slow it down if it gets too hot or windy. We will have a snack stop at Smith's point. Bring a snack or buy one at the 7-11 a few miles before Smith's point. There are multiple opportunities for P breaks.
Join me for an nice morning ride from Sayville to Patchogue, starting early to beat the heat!
This is a C+/B- ride, which will average 13.3 - 13.8, with be cue sheets. We will have a bathroom break at the ferry dock and will make a stop at a Deli on our way through Patchogue for a snack/break.
Looking to keep this like a Fondo ride where we ride certain hills hard and the rest of the ride at a moderate pace.
The first hill that we ride hard is Little Flower. There will be a wait up at the end. 1.0 miles
Next up on the Fondo is Mill E Rollers. Not a hill but if you pedal hard it's a great work out. 2.55 miles
Rest stop at our Exxon Station.
Next up is the 51 challenge. Not just the hill but the entire road to 111. 4.55 miles
Last timed hill will be Ashton from East Bartlet to W Bartlet. 1.0
Again in between the hills, I want to keep a moderate pace 19-20 mph. Please check the route before you arrive or download it as I will be looking for other people to help me keep everyone together.
Heading south to Smith's Pt. Beach with long S T R E T C H E S on the way & back. A short stop at the beach. Bring a snack & plenty of hydration the concession stand won't be open. Our pace has been a consistent 18-19 average so I'm posting it up a level. Please be able to keep up considering the group. My cell 631-922-0632
Too wet. Off to Wildwood, with a break at McDonald's in Manorville at mile 14. We can also stop at the deli just prior to Wildwood if you need drinks or refreshments to bring into the park. 15 miles of this ride is on a bike trail with no car traffic. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:45am.
We'll try to complete the 20th edition of the series in this week; weather permitting!
This time we follow the northern roads with a slightly flatter / faster route out to Briermere Farms. We'll keep the group together, except for a few roads where you can stretch your legs.
Meet with your bike at the Bayport Veterinary Hospital, corner of Gillette and Montauk Highway.
We'll bike from Bayport to Bellport. There will be a Bellport deli stop 14 miles in. If weather is pleasant we'll have our snack at the dock; otherwise we'll stay in the deli for AC. Please remember your helmet and your full water bottles! Make sure that your tires are at the proper pressure BEFORE leaving your house!! Proper pressure is embossed on side of tire. Make sure your brakes are working before day of ride!
Come early enough to be ready for a prompt 9am departure. Questions? Please email me at []. Morning of ride, my cell is 631-835-1454. Cancellation for weather will be no later than 7:30AM.
Maybe it won't rain this Saturday. If it doesn't its,off to Manorville. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.6 to 15.0 mph +/- depending on the roads and wind direction the ride could wind up in the lower “B” range Naturally, the road speed will be higher (15 -17.0 mph.
A rest/ food stop at McDonald’s or the bagel shop is on the schedule around mile 16. There are a few places along the route where leg stretches can be done for those who wish to do so. There is no obligation for anyone to do this; you can hang back with me.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30am, if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text me anytime if you have questions about the ride.
A short ride to a nice quiet beach. We can stop at 7-11 before we get there for drinks or snacks. Speed will be 14-16mph. Check for any changes day of by 8:15am.
A shorter ride to Pleasure Drive. This ride is posted as a follow up to the Fondo practice ride so the pace will be cut back. One stop at McDonald's (28-mile mark).
Off to Briermere, with a stop to see the American Bison, if they are in the field near the road. If you want to share a pie, and enough riders want pie, bring singles and quarters. Briermere has a wide assortment of excellent treats, and slushies that are wonderful, especially when you are hot and sweaty. Coffee is available. For info: call/text Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which will be posted by 06:45am.
I think we should change it up this Sunday. Let’s do a very scenic ride through Eastport, Remsenburg, Westhampton Beach, and a tad further east. The average pace will be between 14.5 and 15.0 mph. +/- depending on the wind and other factors the ride could end in the lower “B” range. Road speed will be between 15.0 & 17.0 mph.
The wind direction will determine the route to be taken. We‘ll be using Dune road as part of the route going either westbound or eastbound depending on the wind direction. If the wind doesn’t cooperate we'll use an inland route, which is just as nice. There will be some spots (Dune Road) where one can stretch the legs if desired.
We’ll make a rest/food stop at Tully’s around mile 23 for some great clam chowder, eggs, coffee or whatever... After that, the second stop will be at the Beach bakery; you know what that’s about. From there we go another 7 miles arriving back at the start.
Its Sunday, you know what that means - Good Stuff after the Ride. Not sure what good stuff; it's always a surprise.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:20am if necessary. My cell phone# is 631.484.3490; call or text anytime if you have questions about this ride or need directions to the start.
Depending on wind, tide and position of moon we will ride approx. 20ish miles at a 10-11.5 mph pace from Ronk station. Be ready to roll at posted time with water, fully inflated tires and helmet. Newbies always welcome and well taken care of and nobody gets left behind. Be there or be square. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 8am.
Going to Brieremere Farms for the rest stop and some snacks and maybe a little exercise no one left behind questions call cell before 8pm or after 7am, have a great day.
Come out and join me for a ride from Bellport to the Beach, where we will get to ride on part of the newly paved Old Stump Road. You may bring a snack, or purchase something on the way to the beach.
This is a C+/B- ride, which will average 13.4 - 13.9, depending on the wind and the riders, and there will be cue sheets.
Sun and Sand and wading birds. Out over the Ponquogue Bridge with a stop at the Hamlet for quick bite. Stop at Beach Bakery for second breakfast. Plenty of opportunity to crank ahead if you want My cell 646-643-6856
Ride from the Sayville Train Station to the Bellport Docks via the Patchogue waterfront. This will be a moderate B pace with a chance to stretch your legs on South Country Road. A short water/snack break at the Bellport docks. We may have to cut a mile off at the end as the sun is setting earlier now in late August.
Interval hill training ride on Route 51 and 111. It is not a steady pace ride. There will be two regroup stops. Strava numbers not important. It's not a race. It's a workout.
Same route as last week but with at least one additional stop. The route shows us doing Mill Road. this would make it 2000feet + and 54 miles. The group will decide if we do that add-on or not during the ride.
Brief stop at Old Field lighthouse, snack and bathroom stop (bring your own snack) at West Meadow Beach. It’s just you and the hill; no need to keep up with the leader.
Cancellation for weather by 7:30am. Questions before Tuesday, my email is []. Morning of ride, my cell is 631-835-1454.
The ride will take us around the Holbrook area, and then up to Ronkonkoma before turning around, heading south back to Holbrook. At the end of the ride we can all go for coffee and a bagel and chat as usual, if you want. The average pace for this ride will be between 14.5 & 15.0 mph; +/- perhaps in the lower "B" range....naturally the road speed will be higher to produce the average. This ride has a few inclines and rollers.
Any cancellation due to weather or any other circumstance will be posted no later than 7:30am if necessary. If you have question about the ride or the start location please call or text me 631.484.3490…
Rest stop will be either Beth's Cafe or the Country Market easy C ride no one left behind questions call cell 631-484-1650 after 7am or before 8pm please, hope to see you on the ride.
Please note that I am keeping the ride start at JFK, Tom's companion ride is starting from Sayville train station. Route TBD and may include one loop of the bike path in Heckscher Park. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 3PM.
As this is an after work ride wheels have to be down at 5:15 SHARP. Be ready to ride at the posted time as DAYLIGHTS A BURNIN! Depending on wind, tide, position of moon and ride leaders disposition we will ride approx. 15-18 miles at an 11-11.5 average speed. As always newbies always welcome and NOBODY gets left behind. So get off your butt, tell your boss you're sick (of work) and lets ride for some exercise. Any cancellation will be by 4PM.
Park across from South side of station (by school field).
4pm update: looks like we should have a window of clear skies for the ride...but suggest bringing rain gear/supplies just in case. And lights! Sunset is earlier but we'll still do West Meadow tonight, as long as the sky is clear.
Join us as we travel scenic backroads thru the Stonybrook-Setauket area: historic places, great views, great sunsets, great folks. We are a diverse group out for an enjoyable ride and fun nite. There are places to stretch your legs ahead and wait ups after climbs. But please note this is not a "race ride". Apres ride dinner.
Check ride calendar for any changes or cancellations by 4:30pm the day of ride.
Changed to Riverhead Waterfront start/end to improve logistics of transportation. Ride as a team with short pulls to keep the group together. Breaks as requested and Montauk 7-11. *new route posted below
Here is a ride for Jose, Ron, Valerie, and others who are looking for easy and almost completely flat (no Mill Rd.) ride around Calverton and Manorville. We are leaving early to "beat the heat" and will stop at Bean & Bagel for our break. A portion of the ride will also include the new bike path, which has very little rider traffic mid-week. The ride will average 11.4 - 11.8, with cue sheets.
Off to the Preserve, with about 7 miles on Dune Road, scenic stops in Quogue, and a break at the Westhampton Bakery. For information contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 07:00am day of ride.
We’ll head out through the pine barrens to Jamesport and Mattituck. Quick stop at Iron Pier Beach in Jamesport, and lunch stop at Wendy’s Deli in Mattituck.
Pace will be a moderate B/B+, group stays together and nobody gets dropped.
Any ride changes will be posted by 7 am the morning of the ride.
Today's Mi Tierrita ride will be going to Smith’s Point. The route is mostly flat with a small incline here and there and of course the Woodside bigger incline. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.5 to 15.0 +/- mph, and could wind up in the lower "B" range depending on the roads and wind direction. The road speed will be between 15 and 17.0 mph.
We'll stop along the way for a bathroom break around mile 10. Don’t forget to bring a snack for the beach stop. Do you know what AGUAPANELA is? Come and find out; PARKING: Use the area of the parking lot on the SOUTH side first.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30 am if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text anytime if you have questions about the ride or need directions to the start...
Preview this coming Sunday’s Lobster ride through Mattituck, Cutchogue and Peconic past farms, beaches, creeks, salt marshes, vineyards and a large sunflower field.
Our route will be on lightly traveled scenic secondary roads.
No change from last week but I am calling it an AA because that is what it has been coming in at. The more riders that show up the easier it is to maintain this pace. One wait up on the top of Little Flower.
The ride starts at 515 sharp! We don't want to be coming back in the dark.
Off to Briermere with a stop to view the Bison, if they are in a pasture near our route. If their are enough riders to share a pie, and you are one of them, bring singles and change. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which will be posted by 06:45am.
Ride from Mattituck to Orient Point Park and back. A very pretty longer North Fork ride. We will stay to the north on the way to Orient and be on more southerly roads on the return trip. We're by the water a lot on this ride which is mainly flat with a few rollers here and there. Rest Stop at Orient Point State Park, the midpoint of the ride. Bring Snacks for the stop. A moderate B- pace so we can look around a little
Join Brenda and me for a ride from Holtsville (Greenbelt Rec. Center) to East Islip, where we will take our break at the golf course. There are beverages, food, and bathroom facilities available.
This will be a C+/B- ride which will average 13.2 - 13.9 and there will be cue sheets.
NOTE: The entrance to the parking lot is on Greenbelt Parkway, off Patchogue Holbrook Rd., between Nocolls Road & Woodside Ave.
Looking to keep this like a Fondo ride where we ride certain hills hard and the rest of the ride at a moderate pace.
The first hill that we ride hard is Little Flower. There will be a wait up at the end. 1.0 miles
Next up on the Fondo is Mill E Rollers. Not a hill but if you pedal hard it's a great work out. 2.55 miles
Rest stop at our Exxon Station.
Next up is the 51 challenge. Not just the hill but the entire road to 111. 4.55 miles
Last timed hill will be Ashton from East Bartlet to W Bartlet. 1.0
Again in between the hills, I want to keep a moderate pace 19-20 mph. Please check the route before you arrive or download it as I will be looking for other people to help me keep everyone together.
Heading south to Smith's Point beach with long S T R E T C H E S on the way & back. A short stop at the beach. The concessions is not open so bring hydration & a snack. My cell 631 922-0632
I believe this is the old Bike-Boat-Bike route. We will take Peconic Bay Blvd, New Suffolk Ave, and Rte 25 out to Greenport. We'll then take the North Ferry over to Shelter Island and bike across the island to the South Ferry. Lunch stop in Sag Harbor and then we'll return via Bridgehampton/Water Mill/Southampton. We'll cross the Shinnecock Canal and then take Newtown Rd, Red Creek Rd and Flanders Rd back to Riverhead.
Rest stops approximately every 20-25 miles or as needed. No one gets dropped. FYI - You will need some $$ for the ferry and lunch.
If anyone has any questions, please call (cell# below).
This week we launch for a new destination: Cupsogue Beach and Dune Road. The ride level has increased slightly, just to allow us to go a little faster on the long flat sections of the ride. Pack your large water bottles and snacks, as the rest stop is at 33 miles and we're doing 54 miles! We'll keep everyone together and ride as a team; that means we don't surge the pace and drop people. There will be the hill on Mill Road early in the ride and the hill on County Road 31, as well as a long run down Dune Road to get your workout - the rest of the time let's stay together!
Hopefully this will be an epic ride to remember once summer is gone! Maybe this will be a ride that will make you famous, like being on the front page of the SBRA website, or the cover of the Rolling Stone:
Depending on wind, tide, position of moon and ride leaders disposition we will ride approx. 20ish miles at an 11-11.5 average speed. As always newbies always welcome and NOBODY gets left behind. So get off your butt, and lets ride for some exercise. Cancellation for any reason will be posted by 8:00AM. Anyone for pizza at the rides end?
Going to Westhampton Bakery for the rest stop easy C+ ride no one left behind will adjust pace for whoever shows up any questions call Cell phone 7am to 8pm 631-484-1650.
I need to start a little later today because I have a very early appointment. Thanks for understanding.
Going to Manorville. The average pace for the ride will be between 14.6 to 15.0 mph +/- depending on the roads and wind direction the ride could wind up in the lower “B” range Naturally, the road speed will be higher (15 -17.0 mph.
A rest/ food stop at McDonald’s or the bagel shop is on the schedule around mile 16. There are a few places along the route where leg stretches can be done for those who wish to do so. There is no obligation for anyone to do this; you can hang back with me.
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted no later than 7:30am, if necessary. My cell number is 631.484.3490; call or text me anytime if you have questions about the ride.
Pace's Dockside Restaurant(NOTE: Buffet is for MEMBERS ONLY) 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 - (631) 315-5252
This will be another great "Lobster Ride"! Don't miss out on your chance to enjoy a day with your SBRA buddies that begins with a beautiful scenic ride along some of Long Island's most beautiful coastline and ends with a great waterfront meal. We will enjoy our meal at Pace's Dockside in Mattituck. The outdoor seating on the waterfront provides beautiful panoramic views and is a great place to hang out, relax, and enjoy a great time with your SBRA friends.
Ride Leaders needed for: All Ride Levels. Ride Leader Volunteers please email: Margaret Matthews-Ziel ( or Barbara Braun (
Members can join us on the ride even if you do not want to have the buffet but you CANNOT join the buffet day of. We are limited in seats and NO ONE can be added on the day of the ride. (Click Here to View Event Flier) SOLD OUT
Park in the Paces Dockside parking lot. Than enjoy a steady scenic ride out to Orient Point for a break before returning to Mattituck. If you're not signed up for the lunch No Worries. You can still do the ride, but the lunch has been sold-out. Please make yourself familiar and/or uploadthe route to your Garmin.
For those that missed the cutoff Jim Drago will be hosting alternate post ride festivities at the Jamesport Farm Brewery. They are celebrating 1 year annaversary, they will have music a food truck, old fashoned ice cream, plenty of tables and of course beer. Bring the family, friends, hell the whole town if you wish.
Join us for a ride to Babylon, followed by a picnic with some food and beverage. You are welcome to contribute to the food selection by bringing your specialty
We will do a B- pace to the Babylon docks. After the ride we will join the 2 faster groups doing the same ride for a little food, drink and fun. Would be helpful if you bring a little food or drink ..... or you can just bring yourself. If Pat's parking lot is full you will be directed to park at the Sayville train station one block away. Call me with questions
Come out and join me for this C+/B- ride from Pace's Dockside to Riverhead. We will have our break at Briermere, where bathrooms and beverages are available. The final route comes out to 27 miles, the average pace will be 13.3 - 13.9, and there will be cue sheets.
Anyone not signed up for the lunch may still come out and participate in one of the rides, but you may not come in for the lunch as walk-ins are not permitted.
This will be a beautiful scenic ride passing many wineries; might miss the lobster, just kidding. We will be starting in Mattituck and work our way eastward and south to Nassau Beach, we will not be doing the rollers down to the point.
After that we’ll go eastward some more to the town of Southold and then start working our way back for our lobster lunch. Somewhere there will be a rest and a bathroom stop.
The average pace for the ride will be between 14.5 and 15.0 mph, depending on the roads and wind direction, the ride could come in a tad faster, meaning in the lower “B” range. Whatever the average, just remember we are going to have a beautiful, fun ride!
Please check the ride calendar for any weather, or last minute cancellations which will be posted in the early morning. Look at it this way, if it’s not raining it won’t be cancelled. If the day is rained out the lunch will still be a go. If you didn’t sign up for the lunch, oh well, you can still do the ride.
If you have any questions about the ride, the lunch or the start location please call or text me at 631.484.3490
This ride includes scenic areas along the North Shore of the Peconic Bay, as well as a view of the L.I. Sound. There are some rolling hills going to Nassau Point. You will also ride by cornfields and vineyards. Bathroom/coffee stop at a deli in Cutchogue at mile 20.
Essy B to some of the nicest areas of the NoFo-New Suffolk, Mudd Creek, Nassau Beach, Soundview, Hortons. Work up a thirst without killing yourself. My Cell 646-643-6856
If you do not want to stay for the 12th Annual Lobster Extravaganza you can still come out and do this ride with us. Ride through the beautiful countryside of Mattituck to Indian Island Park for a quick stop. As always Newbies always welcome and NOBODY left behind. Any cancellation due to weather for the ride will be by 7:30AM. If you want to stay for the buffet see the attached info on the front web page. There are only 80 spots available for the buffet and it is filling FAST!
Meet me on South Cedar Street, there's an entrance into Cedar Creek Park where we'll pick up the bike path to Tobay beach. I'm posting this as a C+ pace since we'll be sharing the path with rollerbladers, runners and other bike riders with young families.
I'm not sure when the concession stands open so pack a snack and drinks just in case.
Any cancellation/changes will be posted here by 7:00 am the day of the ride.
Feel free to call 631-793-8298 if you have any questions regarding this ride.
Going to Briermere for the rest stop easy C ride no one left behind will adjust pace for whoever shows up any questions call Cell phone 7am to 8pm 631-484-1650.
Riding under the moonlight. You must be well lit up with front & back lights to be on this ride. First we are heading to Wading River beach to enjoy the sunset. Then we head south on good paved roads. We will ride through Grumman and safe back roads around that area staying off the mains as much as possible. We will be keeping at a slower pace of course to enjoy the evening under the Long Island moon. After the ride we can stop in at Phils in Wading River for a beer & burger. My cell 631 922-0632
Come out and join us (Jose, Nancy, Joan, Valerie and others) on this early slow paced ride. This will be an easy and almost completely flat ride around St. James, on some newly paved roads.
I will keep the pace between 11.2 and 11.8 and there will be cue sheets.
We will stop for a short break at St. James Bagels.
This ride will start in the Eastport King Kullen Shopping Center located on Eastport Manor Road just north of Montauk Hwy. We will head down Frowein Road to Moriches where we will do long scenic loops around the bay area. The ride will average 15.5 to 16.0 mph depending on the wind and the heat/humidity. There will be a deli break in East Moriches and a seperate bathroom break will be provided if needed.
If you need to contact me call me at 631 560 4772. Donna Leahy
Ride from the Sayville Train Station to the Bellport Docks via the Patchogue waterfront. This will be a moderate B pace with a chance to stretch your legs on South Country Road. A short water/snack break at the Bellport docks. I'm cutting out some loops to the water since the sun is going down earlier now.
Warm up at 17mph ( social ) Route 51 north bound ( intervals ), golf course road ( paceline 20 sec pulls). 51 south bound and 111 (paceline 20 sec pulls). There will be two regroup stops. Strava numbers not important. It's not a race. It's a workout. Extra 30 miles add on ( optional ) at the end of the ride. Stop at Beach Bakery and cooldown.
Join me and Brenda for a pleasant ride from the Yaphank Firehouse out to Manorville, where we will take a bathroom/snack break at McDonald's. We will travel over some of the newly paved roads in Manorville.
This will be a structured C+/B- ride, with an average pace of 13.4 - 13.9 (ride speed may be 15-16), with cue sheets, and no one will be dropped.
Early ride to beat the heat. Off to Quogue with several scenic stops, seven miles on Dune Road, and a rest/food stop at the Westhampton Bakery. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:30am day of ride.
Last Slow Hills of the season. The usual ride, going to the Old Field lighthouse and flat Trustees Rd. We do B- on the flats and whatever we can do individually on the hills. Meetups after the hills are part of the ride. Short stop at Old Field lighthouse, snack (bring your own) and bathroom stop at West Meadow beach. Cancellation for weather posted by 7:30 am of ride morning. My contact prior to ride is []. Morning of ride my cell is 631-835-1454.
Bean & Bagel will be our rest stop will adjust speed to the slowest rider no one left behind there wiil be go aheads for the faster riders Questions call cell phone 631-484-1650 after 7am and before 8pm please.
Scenic south shore ride around Islip, East Islip and Great River. After the ride we will go to Jackson Hall for "Taco Tuesday" ($2 tacos & $5 margaritas all night long). Jackson Hall is conveniently located right next to BoA (ride start location).
Mileage and pace will be cut back slightly due to heat advisory. No one gets dropped. Bring plenty of water!!
As this is an after work ride wheels have to be down at 5:15 SHARP. Be ready to ride at the posted time as DAYLIGHTS A BURNIN! Depending on wind, tide, position of moon and ride leaders disposition we will ride approx. 15-18 miles at an 11-11.5 average speed. As always newbies always welcome and NOBODY gets left behind. So get off your butt, tell your boss you're sick (of work) and lets ride for some exercise. Any cancellation will be by 4PM.
Park across from South side of station (by school field).
Park by TJ Max side lot. Starting of with a flat warm up, then heading to the hills. We may do some long slow climbs repeatedly to train. No racing here. We will specifically concentrate on hills of all kinds, riding the north shore, into the Belle Terre, Ceder Beach and such. Bring a light if you have as daylight is slipping away fast. Grrrr! Possible we will only do 30 miles. My cell 631 922-0632
Come jjoin with bikers of all ages for a leisurely ride to Smith Point. We'll make a brief rest stop at the Wertheim visitors center for anyone who would like to join us there. Leader will maintain a 12-13mph cruising speed. No one will be dropped.Call me at 631 846-7825 if you have any questions. Any change will be posted by 8 AM.
I'll reschedule the ride when it gets a bit cooler.
Let's take a quick spin to Cedar Beach with the briefest of stops to admire the view and get back before the sun sets. There are 3 hills (only) on this ride and they are well worth the effort in order to enjoy several long downhills, a lovely view of the Sound, and the rest mostly flat or slightly rolling. Please bring enough water and snacks as there will be only one brief stop at the beach for a bathroom and scenic view. Dusk is falling early now.
Please check back for any changes or cancellations by 4 pm though this is not anticipated.
Earlier start time and shorter ride due to the hot weather. Ride will be 20ish miles, with some mileage on the Grumman bike trail. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Bring plenty of water or other drinks.
Just changing to a loop to from Sayville to Patchogue.
This is a structured C ride which will average 11.6 - 12.0, depending on wind, riders, etc., and we are starting early enough that we should beat the heat.
There will be cue sheets and no one will be dropped.
NOTE: Park on the South Side of the train station.
Why do Bobby's Mi Tierrita Ride in his absence?? Not only is Bobby and his ride very popular, but fellow rider and restaurant owner Eduardo really enjoys serving his delicious empanadas after the ride and would be dissappointed if there wasn't one. How nice is that. So lets meet at Mi Tierrita Restaurant and do the ride just as Bobby would. We will go to Smiths Point and back with a short stop at Wertheim Refuge and a break at Smiths Point. Please bring you own snacks. The ride should average apx 15 mph depending on winds, heat and hummidity.
This is another place to stop and take a break in West Quogue. We will ride the normal way to West Hampton taking Dune Road East, returning on Dune Road West.
The Executive Board Meeting will by held at Panera Bread in Bohemia at 6:30 pm.
All members are welcome to come. If a member has business they would like to discuss at the board meeting, please contact Jeff Meyer VP so the board can be preparded to address their topic of discussion. Any vote taken at a board meeting are by board members only.
Come along and see what the renown Kreb ride is all about ... Except for our 5 minute head start we'll tag-along Fred's tag-along of the Kreb ride IF they do the North route (yet to be posted by Chris) ... WE WILL DO the North route regardless. We will have hill top wait ups once we get to the top the E. Bartlett hill in Middle Island.
Be sure to check back Thursday evening after 8:30 PM ....
Subscribe to this ride posting and get an update within an hour of my changes or check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Nothing is Permanent ... Life Happens and Things Change!!
Running late to the Ride Start ... just PULL OVER and call my cell below.
Ride destination changed to Briermere, ride start changed to Veterans Park. 15-20 mile per hour winds from the East is the reason for the change. I will do the Scoop and Grinds ride at other times. There will be a stop to view the Bison on the way to Briermere. If you want to share a pie, and their are enough riders who want pie, bring singles and change. For info: contact Bill G. at 631-356-3036. Check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 06:30am. The ride includes about 14 miles on the Grumman Bike Trail. There is a chance of rain Friday, dress appropriately.
Come out and join me for a ride from Bellport to the Beach, where we will get to ride on part of the newly paved Old Stump Road. You may bring a snack, or purchase something on the way to the beach.
This is a C+/B- ride, which will average 13.4 - 13.9, depending on the wind and the riders, and there will be cue sheets.
This ride will start in the Eastport King Kullen Shopping Center located on Eastport Manor Road just north of Montauk Hwy. We will head north to South Manor then turn back to do long scenic loops around the Moriches Bay area. The ride will average 15.5 to 16.0 mph depending on the wind, heat and humidity. There will be a break in Center Moriches.
If you need to contact me call me at 631 560 4772. Donna Leahy
Bellport - Manor of St George - Floyd Mansion (Tour of Smith's Point)
A flat ride to places of historical interest around Smith's Point. The Manor of St George offers a breath taking view of Bellport Bay. We will visit the Beach at Smith's Point and then the William Floyd mansion. The original building at the Manor of St George was built before 1700. William Floyd was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and parts of the mansion were built in the very early eighteenth century. This will be a very moderately paced ride with no one left behind. Bring Snacks for breaks at the beach and at the William Floyd Mansion. The driveway to the Manor of St George is graveled in some sections so a hybrid bike is nice although I have biked the driveway on a skinny tired bike with no trouble.
Heading east on Canal Rd. to Whiskey Rd. to Ridge Rd. to 25A east to Calverton. Looping around & we then head west on 25 to Floyd (north), back on Whiskey to Canal. It's a fast, short & sweet, pretty flat run, (for the most part) on newly paved roads. My cell, 631 922-0632 Bring a light as daylight is quickly fading away. Grrrr!
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